Creating a multilingual website is no small feat, but the rewards are immense. By catering to users in their native languages, you can significantly boost your global reach and improve user experience. Here, we showcase seven exemplary multilingual websites and delve into what makes them successful. Let's dive in!

1. Airbnb


Airbnb is a prime example of how a multilingual website can cater to a global audience. Available in over 60 languages, Airbnb ensures users worldwide can access their services effortlessly.

Key Features

  • User-friendly language switcher: Located in the top-right corner, the language switcher is easy to spot and use, allowing users to quickly switch to their preferred language.
  • Localized content: Airbnb doesn't just translate text; it localizes the entire user experience. This includes tailored descriptions, reviews, and even localized payment options, ensuring relevance and ease of use for each region.
  • Currency conversion: Prices are displayed in the local currency of the user, reducing friction in the booking process.
  • SEO Optimization: Uses hreflang tags to indicate language and regional targeting to search engines, improving visibility and search ranking for each language version.

Technologies and Plugins

  • Weglot: Seamlessly manages translations and ensures consistency across different language versions.
  • Google Tag Manager: Helps manage and deploy marketing tags without extensive code changes.
  • Geolocation APIs: Automatically detect and display content in the user's preferred language based on their location.

Why it's a great example: Airbnb's commitment to localization extends beyond mere translation. They ensure that users receive a culturally relevant and engaging experience, which is crucial for building trust and convenience.

For more tips on building a multilingual site, check out our guide on multilingual websites.

2. Coca-Cola


Coca-Cola's website exemplifies brand consistency across different languages and cultures. The site is available in more than 50 languages, ensuring global accessibility.

Key Features

  • Consistent branding: Maintains the same visual identity across all versions while adapting the content to fit local preferences and cultural nuances.
  • Localized campaigns: Marketing campaigns are tailored to resonate with local audiences, incorporating regional holidays, events, and cultural references.
  • Interactive elements: Engaging content like videos, games, and social media integrations are localized to enhance user engagement and relevance.

Technologies and Plugins

  • Contentful: A content management platform that allows for easy handling and localization of content across different languages.
  • Adobe Experience Manager: Facilitates personalized experiences by managing content delivery efficiently.
  • Local SEO tools: Ensure each language version of the site ranks well in local search results, driving organic traffic.

Why it's a great example: Coca-Cola effectively balances global brand consistency with localized relevance. Their ability to adapt marketing and interactive content to fit various cultures while maintaining their core brand identity is a benchmark in multilingual website design.

3. Wikipedia


Wikipedia is the go-to example for multilingual content, offering articles in over 300 languages. Its community-driven model ensures the content is relevant and accurate across different languages.

Key Features

  • Community-driven translations: Leverages a global network of volunteers who contribute to translating and localizing content, ensuring cultural accuracy and relevance.
  • Language selector: Prominent and easy-to-use dropdown menu that allows users to switch languages effortlessly.
  • Localized interfaces: Each language version adapts the interface to the cultural context, including layout adjustments and localized navigation.

Technologies and Plugins

  • MediaWiki: The open-source software that powers Wikipedia, designed to support large-scale multilingual content.
  • Universal Language Selector: A MediaWiki extension that simplifies the process of switching between languages.
  • Translation Memory: Helps reuse previous translations to maintain consistency and efficiency.

Why it's a great example: Wikipedia's approach to leveraging community input for translations ensures that the content is not only accurate but also culturally appropriate. Their robust language support system and user-friendly interface make it an exemplary multilingual site.


Overview is a leading travel website available in over 40 languages. It excels in providing localized content that caters to a diverse global audience.

Key Features

  • Localized deals and promotions: Customizes offers and promotions based on the user's location and preferences, increasing relevance and conversion rates.
  • Comprehensive language support: Ensures every step of the booking process, from search to confirmation, is available in the user's preferred language.
  • User-generated content: Reviews and ratings are available in multiple languages, providing social proof and enhancing trust for users in different regions.

Technologies and Plugins

  • Translation Management Systems (TMS): Facilitate efficient content translation and localization.
  • Geo-targeting tools: Personalize the user experience based on the user's location, showing relevant deals and content.
  • Machine learning: Provides automatic translation suggestions to assist with localization efforts.

Why it's a great example:'s comprehensive approach to localization, including personalized promotions and extensive language support, makes it a standout example of how to cater to a global audience effectively.

Want to know more about multilingual customer support? Check out our article on multilingual customer support.



IKEA's website is a textbook example of how to manage a global brand with localized content. Available in multiple languages, IKEA ensures a consistent yet personalized shopping experience.

Key Features

  • Localized product catalogs: Adapts the product range to fit local tastes and preferences, ensuring relevance and appeal in each market.
  • Interactive tools: Tools like room planners and product configurators are available in multiple languages, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Customer support: Offers multilingual chat support and localized help centers to assist users in their native language.

Technologies and Plugins

  • Adobe Experience Cloud: Manages and personalizes content delivery across different languages.
  • SAP Commerce Cloud: Handles product information management and transactions efficiently.
  • Geo-targeting APIs: Ensure that content is relevant and localized based on the user's location.

Why it's a great example: IKEA's ability to adapt its extensive product catalog and interactive tools to local markets while maintaining brand consistency sets a high standard for multilingual websites. Their focus on localized customer support further enhances the user experience.

To set up multilingual customer support for your site, see our multilingual customer support chat app.

6. Nespresso


Nespresso's multilingual website offers a seamless and elegant user experience across various languages, catering to a sophisticated global clientele.

Key Features

  • Elegant design: Maintains a sophisticated and consistent design while adapting content to fit cultural nuances.
  • Local promotions: Customizes offers and promotions based on regional preferences and events, enhancing relevance and user engagement.
  • Support in multiple languages: Comprehensive customer service options available in various languages, including localized FAQs and contact options.

Technologies and Plugins

  • Sitecore: Manages content and personalizes user experiences across different languages.
  • Google Analytics: Tracks user behavior across different regions to optimize the site's performance and user experience.
  • Localization tools: Ensure accurate and culturally relevant translations.

Why it's a great example: Nespresso's focus on maintaining an elegant and consistent design across multiple languages, combined with localized content and promotions, ensures a high-quality user experience for their international customers.

7. Philips


Philips offers a highly localized experience on its website, providing content in multiple languages to serve its international customer base.

Key Features

  • Localized product pages: Detailed product information is tailored to each region, ensuring relevance and clarity.
  • Language switcher: Easy access to different language versions, enhancing usability for international visitors.
  • Customer support: Multilingual support options, including localized help centers and contact methods, ensure users can get assistance in their native language.

Technologies and Plugins

  • Drupal: Content management system that supports efficient content localization and management.
  • A/B testing tools: Used to optimize user experience and performance across different regions.
  • Local SEO: Ensures high visibility in local search results, driving organic traffic to the site.

Why it's a great example: Philips excels in providing a highly localized experience, ensuring that product information and customer support are tailored to meet the needs of users in different regions. This attention to detail enhances user satisfaction and trust.


Creating a multilingual website involves more than just translating content. It requires a thoughtful approach to localization, user experience, and technical implementation. The examples of Airbnb, Coca-Cola, Wikipedia,, IKEA, Nespresso, and Philips demonstrate how successful global brands handle these challenges.

By following their lead and leveraging the right tools and technologies, you can expand your reach and provide a seamless experience for your international audience. Ready to take your website global? Start implementing these best practices today!